First, A pic of my amazingly beautiful grandson. He is such a blast, lately he has been spending the night with me on Saturdays, ok, well some of them anyway. When he sees me he yells "Ama Ama Ama!" When people say that you should have had your grandkids first, wow, they aren't kidding! He is SUCH a joy!
And, with that joy comes the onset of two year old tantrums. I have to admit a sinister joy in watching him fling himself on the floor, face down and sob, or watching Jayme have to be mom and sternly tell me "Mom. . . just ignore him!" hehehehe
In June, Jayme Gabe and I are going to Orlando for a week at Disneyworld and then a cruise in the Bahamas. I am really looking forward to the time away with the two of them and getting to spoil him rotton! The flight there and back should be interesting . . .

Jayme's hair at prom, she looked so beautiful. Her and Tony went together again, just like before. I think its fantastic that they can remain in touch, friends and close, even if they aren't dating at this time. Who knows what the future will bring? For two young kids, they have really beaten the odds though. Tony is a fantastic daddy now, Gabe screams "Dada Dada Dada when he sees his dad and goes running!

Jayme and Tony, cute as ever
Now. . . this has to be one of the best pics I have seen of them! I love it!
Stay tuned for Graduation Pics!!! ANd then more from the Bahamas and Orlando.
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