My babys having a baby

Wednesday, January 25, 2006

Her first Midwifery Appointment

I am sitting here this morning trying to prepare for her first midwifery appointment. I chose this midwife because I often act as a doula for young girls and have seen her in action. She is absolutely wonderful, really working with the girls bodies and different positions to make birth happen as natural as possible. Of course Jayme had no real experience with midwives, so I chose this one, and then Jayme has her choice of keeping her or moving on. I think that Jayme will like her though.

I find that I am nervous about this first appt. as I was with my own. Now that the reality of her having a baby has set in, I worry like crazy. Everytime she has a cramp or a headache I am examining her to make sure her and babe are ok. She is battling bouts with nausea now, which reassures me that everything is ok. I keep staring at her belly, as if trying to impress upon myself that there is indeed a tiny baby in that flat belly of hers. It's so strange because I haven't ever had anybody close to me (emotionally) that was pregnant. It brings up a lot of tender protective feelings.

On a good note, everybody in the family who had to be told has been. Part of me wanted to wait until we knew everything was fine, and part of me just had to get it done and over with. So far everybody has been awesome and supportive. My grandmother comes to visit every October and we talked about how we will have to go get a 5 generation photograph done. I hope Jayme has a girl because 5 generations of women would be absolutely powerful. I'm glad that people have chosen to support Jayme instead of coming down hard on her. It makes my job a bit easier, playing Mama Bear!

I will update later when we know how the appointment went, for family and friends who read this,



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