Scales still dropping . . .
Jayme had her 15 week checkup yesterday, she is down another pound. At this point she is 102 pounds. Her midwife was concerned, and had them do some extra checking on her urine. She is doing ok though, no ketones or sugar showing. She said at this point she wants to try a prescription of Reglan, and to start adding Ice Cream to the smoothies that she is drinking. I agreed because I do trust this midwife, Elizabeth is awesome.
Other then that, Lexie sounded great, heartbeats in the 150s, I keep having dreams of this baby, always a girl and quite tiny, with lots of black hair. I bought her a tiny little outfit the other day, it is pink and white, and says "little dancer" That is what Lexie is, she is dancing in my daughters womb. I can't wait to meet her and know her. Its exciting for me to get to know this baby through the pregnancy. Maybe I needed to grow as a woman, and this is part of it. I am jus fascinated with this pregnancy. So strange, I never thought I would accept and love this so quickly. I knew that by the time the baby was here I would care, but it's still different then I could have pictured it.
There is a place in town that offers the 3D ultrasounds where you get a clear picture of the baby. I saw it and was so excited! I told Jayme I would pay for it (200 bucks) and was blabbing away when she looked at me and said "Mom, I dont think so, I think I would like it to be a surprise". Gasp!!!! Then, I calmly reminded myself of my place in her Journey, which is to support her in her growth as a woman. That includes making her decisions. So, I hugged her and told her that I just got a bit over-eager and that it was her choice. I then asked if I could blindfold her and have it done for me, but she didn't go for that :)
Its spring break, a time to relax, or, in this house a time to scrub the walls. We have been busy bees this week. Maybe all the energy will give Jayme a boost in appetite. She needs to gain!!!
All is well though . . . 15w2d
Other then that, Lexie sounded great, heartbeats in the 150s, I keep having dreams of this baby, always a girl and quite tiny, with lots of black hair. I bought her a tiny little outfit the other day, it is pink and white, and says "little dancer" That is what Lexie is, she is dancing in my daughters womb. I can't wait to meet her and know her. Its exciting for me to get to know this baby through the pregnancy. Maybe I needed to grow as a woman, and this is part of it. I am jus fascinated with this pregnancy. So strange, I never thought I would accept and love this so quickly. I knew that by the time the baby was here I would care, but it's still different then I could have pictured it.
There is a place in town that offers the 3D ultrasounds where you get a clear picture of the baby. I saw it and was so excited! I told Jayme I would pay for it (200 bucks) and was blabbing away when she looked at me and said "Mom, I dont think so, I think I would like it to be a surprise". Gasp!!!! Then, I calmly reminded myself of my place in her Journey, which is to support her in her growth as a woman. That includes making her decisions. So, I hugged her and told her that I just got a bit over-eager and that it was her choice. I then asked if I could blindfold her and have it done for me, but she didn't go for that :)
Its spring break, a time to relax, or, in this house a time to scrub the walls. We have been busy bees this week. Maybe all the energy will give Jayme a boost in appetite. She needs to gain!!!
All is well though . . . 15w2d
Wondering how you and your daughter are doing? I have enjoyed reading your blog and hope you continue to write. I am praying for both of you while you walk this journey together.
Anonymous, at 7:11 AM
Yeah Kat, how is the bitty bean doing??!!! Update much?
Anonymous, at 5:15 AM
Yes, I agree, an update is much needed since I read this blog every day! The above poster must be very intelligent ond beautiful.
Anonymous, at 9:50 AM
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