A couple more Gabriel Pics

I just wanted to share a few more photos that I like when sorting through the 3,496 pictures I have taken so far. I have more but I want to add them when I do her birth story later this evening. I think they are coming home today!!! I am busy baking banana bread, washing bassinett sheets and little other things we forgot about. I am SO excited!!!!
Jayme's face when they told her she could push and her baby was RIGHT THERE!! She was so excited it was amazing! (ignore the date, I couldn't figure out that part of the camera and wasn't gonna waste time trying to!)

!!! I am a Gramma!!!

Look at Gabriel showing off his muscles!! He looks like a little meathead (and I do mean that in a very loving way!)

I was showing Maddy the pics this morning and she says he is so cute and she wants to hold him. He is adorable!
Anonymous, at 8:30 AM
squeeee.... oh the cuteness!
Anonymous, at 10:11 AM
katrina, he is so beautiful. congratulations to you and jayme. i am so thrilled to hear all is well with all of you. i have been following your blog for awhile. i think i am addicted to it! hehe. what a wonderful expression of the emotional journey your family has been on. thanks for letting me intrude and feel somewhat a part of your amazing ride.
Anonymous, at 10:41 AM
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