Mr Gabriel Turns ONE!
Sweet baby Gabriel turned one year old this week. I can hardly believe that a whole year has passed, and he is now a chubby giggling ball of laughter. Jayme and Tony have grown and matured so well over the past year, its been a pleasure.
If there are other parents out there, who find themselves faced with a teen pregnancy of thier child, I just want to encourage them that this can be the most beautiful journey. Difficult and painful, yes, but amazing to watch and be involved with.
Amazing that the "Moose" nicname stuck so well. When 25+ people were singing happy birthday, it was a chorus of "Moose" "Moosey" and "Moosey Redenbocher" for his name. How funny is that!!

Here Gabe is contemplating his cake. Jayme chose his theme of Elmo, which was interesting because her first birthday was Sesame Street.

He is clapping for himself. Moose absolutely loved being the center of attention!
If there are other parents out there, who find themselves faced with a teen pregnancy of thier child, I just want to encourage them that this can be the most beautiful journey. Difficult and painful, yes, but amazing to watch and be involved with.

Here Gabe is contemplating his cake. Jayme chose his theme of Elmo, which was interesting because her first birthday was Sesame Street.

He is clapping for himself. Moose absolutely loved being the center of attention!
Moose is hamming it up, the cake was UNDER him! He laid his head in his cake later, I have it on video but no pic, sorry!

A beautiful pair. I could not possibly be more proud of her and him. . .

A beautiful pair. I could not possibly be more proud of her and him. . .
And, of course, I am getting in the spirit! Everybody has to celebrate the Moose Munch!
For those of you who still read this, for the comments and support you have given over the past year and 9 months, Thank you! I could never express quite how much it has meant to log on and see comments, support, and kind words. Some of the days were dark and hard, and my friends have really pulled me through.
Wow. . .what will the next year bring . . . Jayme graduates high school this year, I graduate college. She is planning on being a history teacher, so will be enrolling in college the following September. Look out world. . . here she comes!