Jayme's Senior Pictures
I am not sure if anybody even reads this blog anymore, I rarely update it, so it makes sense that it is lost in space somewhere. However Jayme just had her Senior pics done, and I thought I would share.
She is on her own, in her two bedroom apartment, well, on her own is a bit much, considering she sleeps at my house or my moms house just about every night. . . but she is starting to stay at her home a bit more now. She graduates High School this June, and is applying for college at SOU, OSU and U of O. I also graduate college this june with my bachelors, and we were going to go away to college together, her for her undergrad, me for my bachelors, but, my plans have changed so I will be staying here for my MSW, which means she probably will also.
We are planning a senior trip, originally we were going to go to Europe, but with nobody to watch the babe, we decided to go to a resort that caters to families in Jamaica. Tony refused to sign for a passport though, so now we are considering Puerto Rico, Florida or Hawaii. . . . Any advice out there?
Moose is doing awesome, he is 15 months old, and just amazing. He runs all over, says gramma, which is more like "AAama" and several other words. "Ball!" seems to be a favorite!
Here are the pics, hope you enjoy!

She is on her own, in her two bedroom apartment, well, on her own is a bit much, considering she sleeps at my house or my moms house just about every night. . . but she is starting to stay at her home a bit more now. She graduates High School this June, and is applying for college at SOU, OSU and U of O. I also graduate college this june with my bachelors, and we were going to go away to college together, her for her undergrad, me for my bachelors, but, my plans have changed so I will be staying here for my MSW, which means she probably will also.
We are planning a senior trip, originally we were going to go to Europe, but with nobody to watch the babe, we decided to go to a resort that caters to families in Jamaica. Tony refused to sign for a passport though, so now we are considering Puerto Rico, Florida or Hawaii. . . . Any advice out there?
Moose is doing awesome, he is 15 months old, and just amazing. He runs all over, says gramma, which is more like "AAama" and several other words. "Ball!" seems to be a favorite!
Here are the pics, hope you enjoy!

Gabe and Mom playing at the Park