Friday, June 27, 2008
Nassau was probably my favorite day, I didn't know much of what to expect from this little island town, but I had so much fun. We have tons more pictures that I will post later, but they are on the other camera,
We decided to go on the "forts and pirates" tour. When we left the ship early in the morning we were met by a pirate who led us to a tour guide "George" who led us through the town for two hours showing us the sites. For the life of me I haven't figured out HOW they drive! No signs or directions, cars and busses just drive every which way in a crazy fashion. We did get a tour of the "driving school" which is basically three beat up old cars with people driving in circles hitting cones, apparently to pass you have to park between two of them. . . . makes no difference how many pedestrians you take out along the way!
Then we went to several forts and learned the history of the british, french and spanish invasions, the pirates and the links between piracy and the slave trade. It ended with a tour through the pirate museum (Nassau was one of the most notorious pirate hangouts) all in all, it was very interesting and informative.
Then, we were thrust out in Nassau on our own. It was a bit scary at first, because we had no idea where we were, how to get anywhere, no signs, cars driving everywhere, but finally we just made a run for it and we figured it out. We went shopping at the "straw market" and spent a ton of money on various items (hand carved wooden figurines for me, rasta dolls for the kids, brand name bags for jayme)
We went back to teh ship, dropped everything off and then returned to spend the rest of the evening at "senor frogs". . . lemme tell you, if your ever in Nassau, you HAVE to go here, Oh gosh. . . .it was quite the event. After several "yard longs" which are drinks served in yard long glasses, out on the deck over the water, with little bright fishies everywhere. . . .well, you realize that drinking rum in the bahamas is a good thing. . .. Ya Mon!
This is the gateway to the city, tons of security, little shops and women who wish to braid your hair greet you when you arrive
This is one of the government buildings, Our tour guide didn't like politicians anymore then he liked doctors, he said that Bahamians go to the bush for healing, cus when they go to the doctor, they get addicted to drugs, and that isn't good!

One of the forts, it is the tallest one built on the island, the view is amazing. Another fort had dungeons and torture rooms, it was extremely creeeeeepy
Iquanas! Oregon has deer for the wildlife, Bahamas have these guys all over.. .YUCK
All of the buildings are brightly colored, yellow, pink, purple, green. Most of them are falling apart and run down, its sad to see the immense poverty, however our guide was so proud of his country and the history, it was great to see his pride. I hope that someday I can have pride in my country again.

We decided to go on the "forts and pirates" tour. When we left the ship early in the morning we were met by a pirate who led us to a tour guide "George" who led us through the town for two hours showing us the sites. For the life of me I haven't figured out HOW they drive! No signs or directions, cars and busses just drive every which way in a crazy fashion. We did get a tour of the "driving school" which is basically three beat up old cars with people driving in circles hitting cones, apparently to pass you have to park between two of them. . . . makes no difference how many pedestrians you take out along the way!
Then we went to several forts and learned the history of the british, french and spanish invasions, the pirates and the links between piracy and the slave trade. It ended with a tour through the pirate museum (Nassau was one of the most notorious pirate hangouts) all in all, it was very interesting and informative.
Then, we were thrust out in Nassau on our own. It was a bit scary at first, because we had no idea where we were, how to get anywhere, no signs, cars driving everywhere, but finally we just made a run for it and we figured it out. We went shopping at the "straw market" and spent a ton of money on various items (hand carved wooden figurines for me, rasta dolls for the kids, brand name bags for jayme)
We went back to teh ship, dropped everything off and then returned to spend the rest of the evening at "senor frogs". . . lemme tell you, if your ever in Nassau, you HAVE to go here, Oh gosh. . . .it was quite the event. After several "yard longs" which are drinks served in yard long glasses, out on the deck over the water, with little bright fishies everywhere. . . .well, you realize that drinking rum in the bahamas is a good thing. . .. Ya Mon!
This is the gateway to the city, tons of security, little shops and women who wish to braid your hair greet you when you arrive

CoCo Kay
CoCo Kay is the private island owned by Royal Caribbean. We were the first boat there so we found a secluded beach area for Gabe. Later there was a huge BBQ and I dranke too many of the island specials. . . bigggggg drinks called CoCo LoCos

Tired baby!

A Coconut tree! I didn't sit under it. . . did you know 13 people die each year from falling coconuts? Who knew?
The Cruise
We went on the Royal Caribbean cruise to the Bahamas. I have to say that we were truly treated like royalty. Gabriel was a hit, with so many people catering to him. One man gave him chocolate milk each time he came to eat (it wasn't on the menu, nobody else got it) he would answer to calls of "Gabriel" in every dialect possible as we walked through the ship. If you are considering taking a cruise with a Toddler, I would say DO IT! We all had a blast

Our Ship as we were returning from CoCoKay

Hollywood and Character Dinner
Gabe thought Pluto was funny
Goofy deserved a slurpy kiss. . . we had to clean his nose afterwards
But "Chip" was hands down, the favorite. Gabe held and hugged him, and Chip came back to take Gabe by the hand and walk him out, then Gabe hung on to him for the longest time just hugging him, everybody was snapping pics, it was really sweet!

Epcot Fourth Day
This is just after the "Nemo" ride, don't worry. . . they really are safe. . . Duh. . . rolling my own eyes here
Jayme found two Parisian men after all. . . . don't worry Tony. . . . shes still coming home to you. . . hehehehehe
Gabe found a puddle after a shower, while Jayme and I were eating fantastic desserts from downtown France
This was part of China. . . one of Epcots world showcases
This was part of Mexico. . . it was far better then the pic shows
Jayme modeling a Turkish bathhouse. . .and im not even going there. . .

Magic Kingdom, day 3
Day three we started with a Disney Character Breakfast, Gabe went nuts over the characters, he absolutely LOVED them!!!

Of course, Gramma fell for it :)
Day Two: Disneys Animal Kingdom
We started the day off early, we had heard that the safari was best in the morning because the animals are out. This was SO fun! We had the back seat in a large jeep that takes you for a twenty minute ride through a huge area with monkeys, giraffes, tigers and more. We all enjoyed it!
A bit unsure what to think of this, it was at the end of a junge walk
Thirsty Boy!!
Dinner at Rain Forest Cafe. This was super yummy and Gabe loved the animals. He made a perfect "O" with his mouth when he saw the elephant.

Animal Kingdom was a really fun day, we loved the animals and the Asia part of the park. Jayme rode the Yeti Ride, after I convinced her it was fun. We bought Gabe a tshirt to commemorate his mom overcoming her fear of rides hehehehe
Dinner was an authentic Irish Pub, it was 100 bucks for fish and chips, dessert and of course, several Guinness for me, but well work the atmosphere. Everything in the place except the toilet came from Ireland, and our waiter spent ALOT of time hanging out with us telling us everything we ever wanted to know about Ireland and Florida!